Our Programs:

  1. Bacoor Barangay Chaplaincy. This program will produce 73 chaplains in 73 barangays who will facilitate values formation serminars and provide ministerial services like wedding, baptismal, funeral and spiritual counselling.
  2. Bacoor Values Formation in Public and Community Life. This program will produce values educators from all branches of the city government, the business sector and community service organizations.
  3. Teaching Values to the Filipino Youth. This program will produce public school teachers who will be the values educators of their pupils.
  4. Ulirang Kabataan. This program will produce youth leaders who will provide proper guidance to their peers while away from home.
  5. Strike Values Clubs. This program will teach values to Bacoor children while they are still in their formative years through neighborhood values clubs and the barangay day care system.
  6. Bagong Buhay Sa Bagong Bacoor Special Projects and Events. This program will promote community living that demonstrates what it is to be makadiyos, makatao, makabayan and makakalikasan citizens in Bacoor.

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